A Northeast Colorado Broadcasting, LLC station.
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KSIR Morning Show
Each morning from 6a – 9a KSIR keeps you updated with agriculture news, markets and conversations with local, state and national leaders in agriculture.
We strive to bring you the ag information you can use whether you are a producer, part of an ag-based business, a consumer or are interested in agriculture. The news team at KSIR has been the trusted source of ag information for 40 years and will continue to bring not just news and analysis but the stories of agriculture to radio and all our platforms!

KSIR Ag Lineup
5a-9a Morning Ag Information
9a-10a Agriculture of America
10a-11a Agri-talk AM
11a-noon Rural Route
noon-1p KSIR Noon Show
4p-5p Agri-talk PM
5p-6p 5pm Information Hour